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A product of German RWE company: VQC, Visual Quality Control, system offers lots of advantages in quality control and it was added to our machine pool in 2003. Control process system has the ability of controlling two dimensional items.

Almost all the parts produced by laser cutting, plasma, punch, water jet and other systems can be checked in a few minutes with VQC system. Deflection in tolerance is about maximum ±0.05 mm.

Also, the part being controlled can be compared with the technical drawing loaded to the computer system embedded in the VQC.


The main and striking feature of the machine is that the digital technical drawing of the part can be obatined by optical scanning system. (Reverse Engineering) Processing tiem od the system changes depending on the size and the hole number of the part.

Maximum process interval is 7 mins.

1. RWE-VQC 12/20 Visual Quality Control Machine

total 1 records.1 to 1 showing. Print page Print page
Original View
Target Drawing (DXF File)
Comparison of Original View and Target Drawing
Observation of Tolerance's after Comprasion
total 4 records
1 to 4 showing..

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